Ma 140b - Probability: Random Walks, Spring 2022

Instructor. Omer Tamuz. Office hours are Mondays at 11 to 12, in Baxter 213.

Teaching assistant: Elia Gorokhovsky. Office hours are Wednesdays at 7pm in Linde 187.

Lectures. Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays, 1 to 2, Linde 310.

Lecture notes. Complete lecture notes are available for this course. Note that this is not a textbook, but the actual notes used to give the lectures. Also, these are a work in progress.

Homework. Problem sets will be due on Fridays at 5pm. Collaboration on homework is encouraged, but individually written solutions are required. Also, please name all collaborators and sources of information on each assignment; any such named source may be used. You can also use any result stated in the lecture notes. There will be, for each problem set, an opportunity to resubmit, and the final grade will be determined by the resubmitted sets. And don't plagiarize!

Problem sets are to be submitted on gradescope. You can find the questions on the Exercises section at the end of the lecture notes.